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ICECAP in the News
May 03, 2007
New Horizon Photos of Jupiter’s Second Red Spot and Volcano on Io

Several discoveries have been made from images captured in late February by the New Horizons probe in what NASA scientists called “a real-world fly-by” of Jupiter, 16 months into its mission to Pluto.


They also got the closest look yet at the “Little Red Spot,” an Earth-sized swirling storm that scientists described as a galactic rendition of Vincent Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” painting, and dramatic views of volcanic eruptions on Jupiter’s moon Io. See New_Horizon.pdf

May 01, 2007
Interview By Marcel Crok Of Roger A. Pielke Sr - January 2007

Climate Science

What are the problems with the surface temperature data?

The main problem is over land where most of the warming has actually occurred. The difficulty is that you have a lot of variation in temperatures over short distances. We have evidence that there is a warm bias in the surface record and that claims like ‘2005 being the warmest on record etc.’ are not valid. The different communities that are collecting these data, the East Anglia group in the UK, the GISS group (NASA) and the group at NOAA, have different analyses, but they are basically extracting their record from the same raw data, which have these biases. We think the surface air temperature is a very poor metric to compare against. Unfortunately that’s what the IPCC has chosen.

Is there an alternative?

I have suggested assessing the ocean heat content trends (see), which is a much more robust diagnostic for global warming or cooling. See the full interview here

Apr 30, 2007
Famed hurricane forecaster: Oceans, not CO2, cause global warming

AP International Herald Tribune

The United States’ leading hurricane forecaster said Friday that global ocean currents, not human-produced carbon dioxide, are responsible for global warming, and the Earth may begin to cool on its own in five to 10 years. William Gray, a Colorado State University researcher best known for his annual forecasts of hurricanes along the U.S. Atlantic coast, also said increasing levels of carbon dioxide will not produce more or stronger hurricanes.

He said that over the past 40 years the number of major hurricanes making landfall on the U.S. Atlantic coast has declined compared with the previous 40 years, even though carbon dioxide levels have risen. Gray, speaking to a group of Republican state lawmakers, had harsh words for researchers and politicians who say man-made greenhouse gases are responsible for global warming. “They’re blaming it all on humans, which is crazy,” he said. “We’re not the cause of it.”
See full story here

Apr 17, 2007
More Science vs. Gore on Rapid Polar Ice Wastage

By Sherwood, Keith and Craig Idso

Anderson (Science 2007) concludes that “sea-level rise may not destabilize ice sheets as much as previously feared,” which in turn suggests that sea level itself may not rise as fast or as high as previously feared. In addition, sea-level rise due to polar ice wastage is currently progressing at what could only be called a snail’s pace, all of which facts lead us to wonder ... Just what make-believe world is Al Gore living in?  See full story here

Apr 11, 2007
A Green Vanity Affair

Roy Spencer

Prize-potential pontificating is never more appropriate than in a journalistic exposé of heartless, power-hungry villains oppressing powerless victims and raping the Earth. And Vanity Fair’s 2007 Green Issue oozes with righteous indignation toward all those evil executive-branch politicians and big businesses which exploit the earth for power and profit.  Climate scientist mocks Vanity Fair’s Green Issue as ‘mindless hypocrisy’

Mar 29, 2007
Interview with Dr. S. Fred Singer


”...there’s no question in my mind that humanity is able to affect climate on a local scale. We all know that cities are warmer than the suburbs or surrounding countryside. So there’s clear indication that human beings, in producing energy, in just living, generate heat. We’re not going to go back to living without energy. Whether or not human beings can produce a global climate change is an important question. This question is not at all settled...”
Read interview here

Mar 28, 2007
Climate Science Must Reads - Two Op Eds, a Proposed Litmus Test and A Water Vapor Challenge

Roger Pielke Sr Climate Science Weblog

In Roger Pielke’s excellent Climate Science weblog, there were two guest op ed blogs worth a read. One by Hendrik Tennekes (actually third in a series) and another by Ben Herman.

Also Roger proposes a much needed Litmus Test to track model forecast global warming and Proposes Evaporation Is Equal To Precipitation On The Global Scale - Implications To the Conclusion On A Claimed Increase of Atmospheric Water Vapor

Just a sampling of great posts. 

Mar 15, 2007
Controversy Down Under

Dr. Gary Sharp, Dr. Bob Carter, and Dr. Warwick Hughes

A series of papers and newspapers stories raise the questions: Are Southern Oceans
Enhancing or Retarding Global Warming?” Is Antarctica Melting or Growing? Are
Phantom Eddies Roaming the Southern Seas?

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